Speak My Art | Blog

Speak My Art | Blog is an art blog written and run by Sade DuBoise, acrylic painter and storyteller of Black women.

Zanele Inspires the Black Muses Project!

We Are Here.

I called Zanele excited about an opportunity to put her piece in the Portland Building in Downtown, Portland. I was working with RACC on the Portland Building project and they wanted to find a piece of mine to add to their “social diversity of Portland” collection. I was honored!

I remember Zanele answering the phone and asking, “who is this?” I could hear a tiredness in her voice. She travels often, runs her own business, and has a husband and new puppy to tend to. I told her it was Sade and the news about the Portland Building.

She was so excited! Hearing the excitement in someones voice, is one of the best things in this world for me - hearing the high pitch of pure joy, surprise, and excitement from someones voice when you tell them great news reminds me of the song Levitate by Kendrick Lamar. We ended the conversation with me asking her to send me photos of her in traditional dress and she said she was on it. We said our goodbyes and I hurried back to the office from my 15 minute break (during the day I work as a steamfitter apprentice).



Inspiration behind the Black Muses Project

After a solid week and over 36 hours of painting, this beauty came about. For any other aspiring artists out there working a 9-5 job, I found it best to put myself under pressure by giving myself a deadline and doing whatever possible to meet or exceed it. I gave myself a week to finish this piece and worked on it before work, after work, and before and after my classes (I attend 290 Tech for my apprenticeship). I got a lot of help around the house from my husband who allowed me the grace to paint while he cooked dinner, cleaned, and the such.

Please stay tune for more information about Zanele and her original acquisition. In the meantime, I will be building the Black Muses Project.